
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Zahra Clare Baker Missing Case Being Treated As Homicide

Hickory, NC (AP) - Police said Tuesday they are moving to a homicide investigation in the case of a missing girl 10 years in North Carolina, including bone cancer left him with an artificial leg prostheses and hearing.

Clare Zahra Baker was reported missing on Saturday, but police said he could not find anyone outside the house who saw the girl alive in a month. The parents described the child's life so miserable, saying he was locked in his room all day and punished for small things.

Hickory Police Chief Tom Adkins said in a press conference that the stepmother of the girl confessed to writing a ransom note found in the house where the girl lived, and was charged with obstruction a crime to justice in the case. Elisa Baker, who was arrested on charges unrelated, also requested a lawyer.

Uncertainty about when the girl was seen life has hampered efforts to find him, "said the chief. Volunteers have offered to help find her around the town of 40,000 about 50 miles northwest of Charlotte.

"We understand that people want to help find Zahra. The problem is that you can not confirm with certainty how long Zahra was lost, "he told a news conference. "Without that information, can positively select the area in search of it."

Adkins did not take questions and offer no explanation of why the case was treated as a homicide. Search warrants revealed Monday that sniffer dogs detected the scent of human remains in cars belonging to the father and stepmother.

The girl's father, Adam Baker, was not charged in the case, although the head of which has not been ruled out as suspects. Police said it is cooperating in the case.
Adam Baker said it was possible his wife could be involved in the disappearance and other parents echoed these comments.


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