
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Christine O'Donnell Debate - 3 ways to win the debate

First, and this is the hardest thing to do.

Chris Coons transform you into a frog ... Wait, wait.

This is the easy part.

Then you tell the audience: "This is what happens to tax and spend liberals running for U.S. Senate."

This is the hardest part, you calmly to the spot where Mr. Coons is very croaking go upstairs, lift off the black and started saying: "Karl Rove would tell me to hit you while you are to down but I will not. Do ... Why? (Smile now) I am not Karl Rove. I am yours. "Down, bring it slowly to your face, give him a little kiss him again in New Castle County Executive.

Christine, tell the audience, "You see, not an evil witch, just a regular Delawarean, just like you."

Eazy Peezy Lemon Squeezy, 2 #

Get out the crystal ball of your travel bag. Keep something at eye level. Expressing spells only stammer a bit, "Sharron Angle, Rush Limbaugh, Karl Rove .... Glenn Beck (like now) Ronald Reagan!

Move your eyes back in your head and sing. "The government is the problem. Where's my candy? Nancy is why I was in the body of a woman? Hem Uh, that little Christine to go to Washington and work that I started. It will end all "state taxes cut, fat and unnecessary programs." Let's all get behind her now, with Christine, our country is prouder and stronger and better. Why "Morning in America" again. Nancy, where are my slippers? "

Ranging from trance Ronnie Crystal Ball, break on the scene and say: "What happened?" Waiting for the standing ovation.

This is the Big One.

Look at the audience and said: "In the words of William Shakespeare, a great American:

Double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf
Eye of Newt, frog (not my opponent) in a bag

I have the birth of Barack in Kenya!

Flourish an official looking documents with large gold seals that give them.

With the roaring crowd, the endless applause and cheers, just keep smiling and say ". Oh, come on, I am. "

This plan guarantees success. You go girl.


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