
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Columbus Day 2010 fact: never set foot on American soil, Columba!

This is the second Monday of October and that means Columbus Day, the day Christopher Columbus, the American people, the man who discovered America honors.

If you live in New York, you are out on the second Monday of October Columbus Day Parade which takes place can head to. Columbus Parade starts at 11:30 hours this year and will last for 2 hours. Route 47 Street to 72 Streets. Columbus Day Parade concerts, dancers, classic cars and plenty of things to eat, drink. The 66 annual parades will be held in New York.

Also, because it is a national holiday since 1937, many banks will be closed and mail does not work, then do not use banking services and e-mail to try if you have something to your friends today do not use the send. A special occasion for us all to enjoy and the man who discovered the land today we honor America.

The story begins in 1492 when Christopher Columbus and his fleet in the U.S., a new country, had never before discovered that one was on the edge. United States of America called it Columbus Day, Die de la Raze in many countries the U.S. is known as Discovery Day in the Bahamas called the.

Here are some great and still funny Columbus Day facts:
1. some say that Christopher Columbus never set foot on American film, but actually landed on a small island in the Bahamas. He called the island of San Salvador and was called Guanahani by the people, but never proved the fact that Columbus first set foot on the island.

2. While we all learned in school that Columbus had three famous ships: Nina, pinta and Santa Monica, truth is the only thing that was true of pinta. The other two (instead of Santa Maria) Gallegan and Santa Clara (Nina instead) were. Why these names were invented, ask your teacher!

3. Although Columbus Day is celebrated as a day of patriotism, toughness and many people think of slavery as a day. This is because the deaths of millions of U.S. residents, including colonization, slavery of those who lived off the land before Columbus discovered. Some of it indigenous people who were killed by Columbus to honor "indigenous resistance day" he says. Areaways were the indigenous people were either killed enslaved to gold mines to dig. Also some people say that the Areaways were persecuted and treat them the way to Columbus, so they would not think, so he and his men would submit to them. Between 1492 and 1.508 billion more than 3 people, the natives, and none in 1650 Arawaks or their descendants survived killed.

4. Although you cannot listen to my history teacher, many people say that Columbus was addicted to opium, but this theory was not proved. Opium drug before being used in those days, it is the substance used to make heroin today.

5. Columbus about other not-so-good thing: he and his men brought syphilis back to Europe is said to be. And the truth is that his real name was Christopher Columbus. According to various experts, his real name was Christopher Columbus Christofis Corumbo and English translation of his name.


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